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CONDITIONING for Throwback Thursday 11/12/2020


3 rounds for time:
30 toe taps
20 hang clean & jerks
10 pogo burpees

You can change the difficulty of the toe taps two ways: 1.) pay attention to the elevation you’re trying to tap. The higher the object, the more hip flexion it will require. Alternatively you can 2.) find a round and light object (ball) that will move if you’re not in control of your foot contact, the same skills soccer players require.

Hang power cleans ideally are done with a barbell, but can be done with a single-arm object like a dumb/kettlebell. If it’s heavy enough 20 reps alternating should be plenty. If you consider the weight light then do 20 reps per side.

The pogo burpee should be done over your weight (as the ball could be dangerous to land on!) so put it down and sprawl on the floor facing your object. Make sure you spend little to no time in the pogo over the object.

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