Tag Archive for: olympic weightlifting

WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/15/2021

wall walks, KOT split squats, calf raises, tibialis raises

6 sets of 3 FRONT SQUATS, as heavy as possible

21-15-9 reps for time:
push press
pistols, R
hang clean
pistols, L

Post times to whiteboard.

WATCH: NAIM, one of the greatest weightlifters who ever lived

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 4/24/2021


EMOM x 15
a. 5-8 calorie sprint
b. 5-8 pullups (work into kipping skills)
c. 5-8 dips (or bar/ring muscle-up into dips)
d. 5-8 pogo burpee
e. Up to SNATCH PULL + SNATCH x3, increasing in weight each round


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 toes-to-bar
10 hang power snatch, 20/35/50kg
20 box jumps, 12/20/24”

Then 5 attempts at a heavy 3-rep snatch-grip deadlift


– Lower body: CHAIR STRETCH
– Upper body: SINK STRETCH
– Extra challenge: German hang

READ: How Exercise Improves Your Sleep – PerformaSleep

The rack position in either the barbell, kettlebell, medicine ball, sandbag, and dumbbells means we want the elbows forward of the hands (in profile view), in a standing position with the legs and hips completely locked out. The eyes should stay up the entire range of motion.

This shape allows our bodies to be efficient pillars at bearing weight during our exercises.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Thursday 2/25/2021

a. Warmup

Complete 2-3 times
10 calorie row
5 burpee complex (pushup + bottom-only burpee + burpee)
10 prone scorpions
5 snatch-grip push press + OHS
10 v-ups

then 3-5 trainer-led reps of the BURGENER WARMUP.

b. Strength

  • Pullup Strength Ladder: E2MOM do 1-2-3-2-1 for 3 rounds
  • EMOM do 3 front squats + 1 jerk for 12 rounds. Challenge: Pull barbell from ground?

c. Conditioning

(CGO 17.1)

for time/20:00 cap
10-20-30-40-50 DB snatches, 50/35/20lbs
15 burpee box jump overs, 24/20/12”

This means you’ll do 10 DB snatches, 15 bbjo, 20 snatches, 15 bbjo, 30 snatches, 15 bbjo, etc. Post time to journal or comments!

READ: Why Our Food Needs to Use Less Water – BBC

CGO 14.3 at FCF

CrossFit WOD for Champagne Friday 2/28

establish a heavy deadlift double in 10:00 then

Kg-Friendly CGO 14.3
as many reps as possible in 8 minutes: 
10 deadlifts, 60/35kg 
15 box jumps, 24/20″ 
15 deadlifts, 80/55kg 
15 box jumps, 24/20″ 
20 deadlifts, 100/65kg 
15 box jumps, 24/20″ 
25 deadlifts, 125/75kg
15 box jumps, 24/20″
30 deadlifts, 145/85kg
15 box jumps, 24/20″
35 deadlifts, 165/95kg

Share score to whiteboard!

READ: Intermittent Fasting: A Time to Eat, A Time to Fast – The Spokesman Review

FCF offers a Barbell Class twice a week with two tracks athletes can follow. 1.) an Olympic Weightlifting track where the primary lifts are the SNATCH and the CLEAN & JERK. 2.) a Powerlifting track where the primary lifts are the back squat, bench press, and deadlift.

CrossFit WOD for Thursday, August 29th

AMRAP in 20:00
400m kettlebell rack walk
30 bar-facing burpees

Rest 5:00 then on a 10:00 clock
– Complete 50 ring dips
– In the remaining time establish a 1RM clean

You have one score: total burpees multiplied by the weight of your heaviest successful clean. Post score to whiteboard.

READ: Praise, Don’t Tease, and Other Tips to Help Kids With Their Weight – NPR
WATCH: How to Time Warm-ups in Weightlifting Competition, Counting Attempts – Catalyst Athletics

Send out positive vibes to Andrew S who is competing at the USA Weightlifting’s American Open Series II in Albequrque, NM.

He’ll be lifting tomorrow at 12pm in the -73kg Men’s D Session on the RED platform.

Click here to watch the action!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/26

for time:
40 deadlifts, 90/65kg
30 front squats, 80/55kg
20 hang cleans, 70/45kg
10 (full) snatch, 60/35kg

Compare and contrast to Monday. Post time to whiteboard.


+ Why You Should Compete in Olympic Weightlifting – Catalyst Athletics

Andrew S, Kai H, and Ann-Marie D represented Foundation Barbell and FCF this past weekend down in Tacoma.

Andrew S set personal records in his snatch, clean & jerk, and total.

Kai H also set personal records in her snatch, clean & jerk, and total.

Ann-Marie D returned to competition after a year off and took 2nd Place overall while qualifying for USAW Nationals next year.

I’ve been hearing your goals and suggestions so after some deliberation we’ll be starting a Tuesday back squat cycle. For the next 8 or so weeks we’ll back squat every week, building up in intensity, reps, and volume. The outcome should be stronger, more resilient athletes!



+ Ears or Not Ears – Torokhtiy

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 5/15

back squat 5x5x65-70%

CGO 12.1
max 6″ target burpees in 7 minutes

Post score to whiteboard!


EMOM for 10:00
– 6 pushups + 8 opposite down dog toe touch
– 8 jumping lunges + 6 goblet cossack squats

5 rounds, 1:00 on/:30 active recovery
– elevated mountain climbers
– box squat jumps
– dumbbell complex (row in plank + deadlift + power clean + overhead, alternating)
– swipes
– box jumps

1-to-10 ladder
shuttle sprint & burpee

1:00 stations
– frog pumps
– crunch
– bicycle
– frog pumps
– reverse crunch
– russian twist
– flutter kicks
– frog pumps
– v-ups

Gymnastics Strength WOD

still rings and headstands

Cycle begins Monday 1/8 and continues for 7 weeks.

This first cycle of the year is going to be used to get everyone re-acquainted with Olympic Weightlifting fundamentals. The focus each week will be building body awareness with the bar, properly producing power with the legs, and developing stability under heavy weight and increased completion of lifts.

By working on these specifics, you can expect yourself to feel more comfortable with you lifts and start to FEEL what went wrong with a missed lift and KNOW how to make an adjustment before the end of the lift.

If you are planning to take part in this cycle or ANY of our barbell cycles, we ask that you commit and invest your time in sticking with it from beginning to end.

You must be registered through the following form to participate in the cycle. Registration ends Friday 1/12.

photo by Ann-Marie D

Thanks for coming out this past Saturday for the Annual FCF Not-Holiday Party!

It’s max week, so let’s test/retest a bunch of important fitness skills and capWhat to look forward to this week: 10-rep max bench press, 100 pullups or 30 muscle-ups, kinda KAREN + ANNIE, The Big Clean Complex, CGO 14.4, CGO 12.3, JT, EMOM lifts, and more!


+ When, Why, and How You Should Wear a Weightlifting Belt – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Max Monday 1/23

bench press 5 sets to establish a 10-rep max


for time: 100 pullups


for time: 30 muscle-ups

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – w5d1

back squat, snatch, snatch pull

Note for Week 5: If you miss a rep in either the snatch or clean & jerk you can no longer go up in weight. You must drop down 10% and hit 3 sets of 2 reps focusing on what caused the failure.

Kettlebell WOD

Ground force


Turkish Get Up skill work

Strength Day #5
9 reps per arm per minute for 10 minutes.