Tag Archive for: motivation

Front lunges for days

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Thursday 2/18/2021

a. Warmup

3:00 row
3:00 burpee Complex
3:00 slam ball + pogo hop
3:00 inchworm + scorpion + pushup

then BURGENER WARMUP. 3-5 reps of each:
– Down & FINISH
– Elbows High & Outside
– Muscle Snatch
– Snatch Landing
– Hang Power Snatch

b. Strength

EMOMx6 do 1-2-1 pullups

Every :90 complete 3 front squats + 1 jerk (Challenge? Pull barbell from ground)

c. Conditioning

5 rounds for time:
20 hang cleans
20 front lunges
20 push press
20 situps

This is a high volume barbell workout so preference is Hyperlite/20/30kg for novice/intermediate/advanced respectively. Situp is BW. Alternatively you could use a single DB/KB and simply do 10/side.

Post time to your journal or comments!

READ: Dirt and Corn? Test Reveals Hidden Coffee Ingredients – Live Science

A couple of quick hits:
– Robyn S competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Took a Bronze home.
– Tony L also competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Also took a Bronze home.
– Paul S competed in his first-ever Weightlifting meet at the Industrious WL Championships. PR’ed his snatch, his clean & jerk, and his total.
– Adrian T also competed at Industrious and PR’ed his clean.
– BONUS: Nathan M, Lauren B, and Nathan’s parents ran an easy 10k.

What’d you do this weekend?


+ Patagonia vs Donald Trump – GQ Magazine

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/9

4 rounds, each for time:
5 HSPU/muscle-up/or some other hard skill
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20″
75 double unders

Rest 2:00 between each round.

Post slowest and fastest time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 1/3

back squats

Powerlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 1/3

back squat
bench press
weighted pullups
weighted hip extensions

Kettlebell WOD

Week 6: deficit deadlift 10×2 @ 85-95% of 1RM, then

1 minute of work/:15 second rest
Single leg dead, left
Single leg dead, right
Side bends, left
Side bends, right
Renegade row, alternating

Repeat for 3 rounds!


Here’s to a new triplet: Urmi, her husband Sean, and newborn baby Nirvan!

Nirvan (6 lbs, 9 oz, 21 inches)


+ Ditch the Motivation and Find Success – Strength Sensei

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 9/6

6 rounds, each for time: 500m row. Rest as necessary between each set.

then, work on 6 sets of hang power snatch triples

Post slowest and fastest rows to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

clean & jerks, front squats

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility (extended)

Getup and swing focus

Simple and sinister