Another Two-Part Sprint

Our gym philosophy on running is as follows:
– We generally subscribe to the idea that efficient running form with stronger bodies will produce better results rather just “pounding the pavement” and putting mileage in.
– Furthermore the workouts should be on some splits (depending on the length of the event you may be training for): short-interval, long interval, tempo, time trial, Fartleks, and sprints. This is of course paired up with a General Physical Preparedness program like CrossFit.
– As far as form is concerned we are POSE Method-biased: a cyclical “POSE – FALL – PULL” protocol is used with a bias towards forefoot striking.
– Sometimes we load the runs (odd-object carries, rucks, plate carriers or vests, etc.)


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CrossFit WOD for Thursday 9/14

21-15-9 calories rowed for time. Run 400m carrying a medicine ball around the block before each row.

Rest 5:00 then

4 rounds for time:
15 toes-to-bar
5 push jerks, 85/61kg

Rx = 70/50kg, Performance 85/61kg

Post times to whiteboard.

Foundations 11 WOD

21-15-9 reps for time:
hang power clean (or squat clean)
air squats (or jumping)